Peer Review Process

Peer Review Type

JSCW use double blind peer review to review articles. This means that the reviewer does not know the author's identity and vice versa.


Peer Review Process in Journal of Studies in Color World (JSCW)  includes the following steps:

  1. Registration in the online system and submitting the manuscript by the corresponding author;
  2. Primary review of submitted manuscript by the Executive Manager (Being related to journal scope; Compliance with the instruction for authors; Similarity check, ...) 
  3. Selection of reviewers by the editorial board and sending the manuscript to the reviewers;
  4. Review the manuscript by reviewers and send comments and suggestions on improvements;
  5. Sending the reviewers' comments to the author;
  6. Make changes to the manuscript by the author and resend it;
  7. Review by the reviewers and making the final decision by the editor-in-chief;
  8. Publishing the article online in the Articles in Press section as an accepted version;
  9. Preparing and publishing the article according to the schedule.

Flowchart of journal  manuscript Publication