Quantum dots: Synthesis to application


1 Department of Color and Plymer Engineering, Amir Kabir University of Technology

2 Department of Polymer Engineering and Color Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology

3 Department of Polymer Engineering and Color Technology, Institute for Color Science and Technology


In recent years, synthesis of quantum dots has been the subject of intense research because of their optical, chemical and novel electronic properties. There is two general routes for synthesis of these nanoparticles: organometallic and aqueous. Since quantum dots which are produced by aqueous route are soluble, they can be used in biological applications. The unique properties of semiconductor nanoparticles led them to use in several fields such as solar cells, light emitting diods LED, optical sensors and etc. Todays they have been used frequently as biosensors in medicine and cellular imaging. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce quantum dots, their synthesis and applications.