Colour Psychology and it’s Application in Cities


1 Department of Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Department of Urban Development Eingineering, Eqbal Institute of Higher Education


The colour is everything by that phrase, we mean, without colour, nothing can be imagined. The world without colour is dead and gray. The colour has specific position in architecture and urban planning. These days, in most cities of the world colour used as the simplest and the most effective factor of vitality and applied as a symbol of connecting factor between environment and human. colour of cities can be seen in frontage, flooring, urban furniture, landscape, vehicles and even in people commuting everyday. In addition of expressing our feelings, the colour expresses the feeling of the city too. The colours can represent a city lively and happy or down and depressed. In addition, application of appropriate colours might lead to highlight the city beauties or hide the designing faults. By this description ,in this article we try to express the colours history and properties and of course we try to discuss the colour psychology and it’s application in cities. At last, by considering the culture and climate we try to reach the ‘the comprehensive design of colour in cities’ approach.
