Deinking of Waste Paper Printed by Electrophotographic Method


1 - Printing Science and Technology Departm, Institute for Color Science and Technology

2 Department of Printing Science and Technology , Institute for Color Science and Technology

3 Environmental research Department, Institute for Color Science and Technology

4 Wood and Forest Product Division, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO)


Different types of pollutants contaminated waste paper and various methods are used for removing these compounds. One of the most important of these pollutants is printing ink. Deinking of waste paper is done in different ways and also the research on new methods is ongoing. Among various printing techniques, electrophotography technique (LaserJet printers and photocopiers) because of the toner mixing with paper tissue during the fixation process which is combined with high temperatures the traditional deinking methods are nor useful. Therefore, research are and are necessary to use newer. Deinking method for papers printed by electrophotography methods is done by using enzymes, alkaline process, free radicals, radiation, UV, ultrasound. The purpose of this article is to explain the methods and also their efficacy is comparable.
