A Review of the Types of Forged Written Documents and Some of Their Recognition Methods


1 Department of Color Imaging and Color Image Processing, Institute for Color Science and Technology

2 Color Imageing and Color Image processing Department, , Institute for Color Science and Technology

3 Department of Printing Science and Technology , Institute for Color Science and Technology


Forgery occurs when a person deliberately deceiving individuals or legal entities by changing something. Although the forging has old history, it has increased a lot in the twentieth century with the progression of applied science. Among various types of forgery, our goal is to review documents forgery. In the document forgery, three cases may happen: 1. Forgery by obliteration 2. Forgery by adding text 3. Sequence of intersecting lines. Consciousness of each of these three items and ability to identify each one is mandatory to prevent possible abuses. One of the issues involved in document forgery in the judicial industry is sequencing of intersecting lines. Thus far the methods given in this study have many problems that declare more research is needed to engage in real events. The purpose of this article is to understand the types of forgery and some methods for detecting forged documents.
