A Study on Use of Color in Islamic Girih and Tiling

Document Type : Review paper


1 Department of Architecture and Urbanism,, Tabriz Islamic Art University

2 Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University


The religion of Islam since its formation has caused changes and alterations in various fields of architecture. These changes included various topics, including building decorations. With the passage of time and the formation of various Girih designs in different parts of the building and various materials, the color factor also found its place and finally color became an integral element in the art of Girih. In the present study, an attempt has been made to study the Girih from a close angle through its constituent geometric elements, and to analyze the color in Girih. The study of color is based on both psychology and archetype. The main research questions are what color characteristics of the Girih are placed next to each other and can a color combination pattern be provided for it? To achieve this question, library studies and architectural and historical documents along with the use of AutoCAD and Photoshop software have been used to determine the color pattern of Girih. The present study has been done with an exploratory approach and a descriptive-analytical research method. Findings indicate that the three main categories of Iranian Girih, namely Kond, Tond and Shol, each have a specific geometric pattern in color combination, and the background and routine of each instrument, depending on the type of Girih, has been determined as the main finding of the research.


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