The psychological Effect of the Affective Design of Packaging Color Semiotics on Consumer Preferences

Document Type : Research


1 Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Isfahan, P. O. Code: 8174673441, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Department of Industrial design, Faculty of architecture and urban planning, Art university of Isfahan, P. O. Code: 8148633661, Isfahan, Iran.



The present research aimed to determine the psychological effect of the effective design and color semiotics in packaging on consumer preferences and the factors influencing these preferences among Isfahan University students. The results of the data analysis showed that the effects of the color components of the CIELAB color space (L*, a*, and b*) on consumer preferences, as measured by a questionnaire assessing 25 emotions related to product color choice, are significant (p ≤ 0.05). Additionally, the effects of the variables from the first and second questionnaire categories on the positive feelings and emotions arising from interaction with the product—specifically, the defined variables S (average positive feelings and emotions of individuals interacting with color) and P (average positive feelings and emotions in interaction with a general product)—are significant with the score of people's preferences (the average of the factors affecting consumers' preferences) (p ≤ 0.05). Based on the findings of this research, the affective design of packaging color semiotics significantly influences consumer preference factors


Main Subjects

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